About Us
NJSH Pet Rescue Story
Our story begins on a freezing cold day in March 2018 with Vicky, a helpless dog found living on a pile of garbage who was brought to a shelter in Newark NJ. In need of medical attention, training and love we welcomed her into our care and dedicated ourselves to do whatever it took to give this girl every chance for a wonderful life.
Our wonderful Vicky, was first boarded at our veterinarian’s office and given comprehensive medical attention to recover from her ordeal and then she was off to training to better prepare her to find a home. Vicky was adopted by a wonderful family and that is how she became the face of our rescue; and the first of 35 dogs we would pull from the Newark NJ shelter in our first year.
NJSH Pet Rescue was founded by a group of passionate dog rescuers who believe the keys to a responsible and successful pet rescue are proper veterinary care, patient training and thoughtful placement. Our goal was to become a resource for local shelters and owner surrenders in our home state of NJ. We have successfully re-homed multiple dogs who were 'hard to adopt' and headed into the already overburdened shelter system.
We try to focus on local dogs in New Jersey that are in need, We promote our belief that a healthy, well trained dog has the greatest chance for a successful adoption. NJSH Pet Rescue believes in positive force free training and we are committed to helping dogs using the principles of time, patience and positive reinforcement only.
NJ South Hills Pet Rescue is a registered non-profit 501(c) (3) www.njshpetrescue.org
